Art audiobook:
Bianchi B. Stories and tales [electronic resource]: [audiobook] / V. Bianchi - M: Talking Book 2004
Bradbury R. Storybook [electronic resource]: Audio / Bradbury R. - MA: Gosteleradiofond 2004
MA Bulgakov The Master and Margarita [electronic resource]: Audiobook / Bulgakov MA - MA: MediaKniga 2005
Bulgakov MA stories [electronic resource]: Audiobook / MA Bulgakov. - M.: Balance 2007 e. Wholesale. disk (CD-ROM)
Bunin IA Novels and short stories. Lyrics [electronic resource]: Audiobook / IA Bunin. - M.: Balance 2007 e. Wholesale. disk (CD-ROM)
M. Weller Legends of Nevsky Prospect [Recording]: the author says: audiobook / M. Weller - M.: Radio Russia [et al.], 2003
Volkov Wizard of Oz [electronic resource]: Audiobook / Volkov - M: Equilibrium 2003
Voloshin, Maximilian. Poems [electronic resource] / M. Voloshin. - Moscow: [b. and.] 2007
Gogol NV Night Before Christmas. Vij. May Night, or the Drowned [electronic resource]: MP3-Audio / Gogol NV - M: 1C Publishing, 2004
NV Gogol Taras Bulba. Vij [electronic resource]: Audiobook / Gogol NV - M: MediaKniga 2003
AK Doyle Sherlock Holmes stories [Recording]: Audiobook / Doyle AK - M: Elitajl 2004
A. Dumas The Three Musketeers [Recording]: Audiobook / Dumas A. - M.: Elitajl [et al.], 2005
Erofeev Moscow - Petushki [electronic resource]: a poem in prose: two versions of reading: the audiobook / Yerofeyev VA - M.: MediaKniga [et al.], 2005
Zakhoder Winnie the Pooh and all, all, all [electronic resource] / Zakhoder - M. Bridge-In 2002
R. Kipling Mowgli [electronic resource] / R. Kipling - M. Bridge-B [B. g]
Christy A. Collection of detective works [electronic resource]: Audio / Christy A. - M.: Gosteleradiofond 2004
Christy A. Collection of detective works [electronic resource]: Audio / Christy A. - M.: Gosteleradiofond 2004
Kun NA Legends and myths of ancient Greece [electronic resource]: Agamemnon and Orestes; The Theban Cycle / NA Kun. - M.: Biznesssoft 2007 e. Wholesale. disk (CD-ROM)
M. Yu Lermontov A Hero of Our Time [electronic resource]: Audiobook / Lermontov M. Yu - Moscow: Soyuz, BG
S. Lukyanenko Night Watch [electronic resource]: Audiobook / Lukyanenko, S. Vasiliev - M: Elitajl 2004
S. Lukyanenko Night Watch [electronic resource]: the audiobook; full version / S. Lukyanenko - B. m.: Elitajl 2004 15 min.
S. Lukyanenko Twilight Watch [electronic resource]: Audiobook / S. Lukyanenko - M: Elitajl 2004
S. Lukyanenko False mirrors. Transparent stained [electronic resource]: [collection] audiobook / S. Lukyanenko - M: Sidikov [et al.] 2003 18 min.
CS Lewis Chronicles of Narnia 1 [electronic resource]: Audioperformance / Lewis KS - M: Adept 2004
N. Nosov Adventures of Dunno and His Friends [electronic resource]: Audiobook / Nosov N. - M: ROSMEN-Audio, 2004
SF Platonov Ivan the Terrible [electronic resource]: Audiobook / SF Platonov. - M.: Vira-M, BG E. Wholesale. disk (CD-ROM)
Pushkin AS Eugene Onegin [electronic resource]: Mp3-audiobook / Pushkin AS - M.: MediaKniga 2004
M. Puzo's The Godfather [electronic resource]: Audiobook / Puzo M. - M.: Elitajl 2004
Saltykov-Shchedrin ME The best tales [electronic resource]: Audiobook / ME Saltykov-Shchedrin. - M.: Balance 2006 e. Wholesale. disk (CD-ROM)
Simenon J. Man from London. Tube Maigret [electronic resource]: Audio / Simenon J. - AM: BIZNESSOFT 2005
Andersen's Fairy Tales [electronic resource]: the world of amazing stories: the audiobook. - M.: Elitajl [et al.], 2004
Tales for the youngest [electronic resource]. - M. Bridge-B, BG
Fairy tales and fables Russian writers [electronic resource]: the audiobook. - M.: Sidikov [et al.], 2004
Tales of 1001 Nights [electronic resource]: the audiobook. - M.: 1C Publishing, 2012 e. Wholesale. disk (CD-ROM)
The Sleeping Beauty and Other Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault [Recording]: With the participation of Clara Sergei Rumyantsev and Jurassic. - M.: Arguments and Facts, BG
Your first tale [sound recording]: Performed by Irina and Alexei Muravyova Balatova. - MA: Parents, BG
LN Tolstoy Sevastopol Stories [electronic resource]: Audiobook / LN Tolstoy. - M.: Vira-M 2007 e. Wholesale. disk (CD-ROM)
DI Fonvizin Oaf [electronic resource]: Audiobook / DI Fonvizin. - M.: Balance 2007 e. Wholesale. disk (CD-ROM)
More audiobooks ...
Music CDs:
100% Classіcs [Recording]: The best from the world of classical music: In 2 vols., 1998
Anthology of Russian and Western European music XII-XX centuries. [Recording]: In 51 audio cassettes; 78 hours Playing: Russian old and spiritual music XІ-XX centuries. - Moscow: Dominant, 1999
Waltzes and polonaises [Recording]. - M.: The world of sound, 1997
A. Vivaldi Concerts [Recording]. - M.: The world of sound, 1999
The voices of birds and animals [electronic resource]. - M. Bridge - B. [B. g]
Instruments Symphony Orchestra [Recording]: Stringed bowed instruments. Woodwinds. - M.: Rosman-Audio, 2000
Instruments Symphony Orchestra [Recording]: brass. Percussion instruments. Piano, harp, celesta, organ. All together (tutti), 2000
Classic with a modern twist [Recording]. - Ust-Kamenogorsk: BI 1998
Bird concert [Recording]. - M.: Rosman, 2004
A thousand years of Western music [electronic resource]: Proc. audio software to the book DK Kirnarskaya "Classical Music for All": The 6-CD. - M.: Word-SLOVO, 1997
P. Tchaikovsky Seasons; Two Pieces; Song Without Words [Recording]. - M.: The world of sound, 1999
Time of love ... Songs from films based on poems Bulat Okudzhava. - M., 1997
Masterpieces of instrumental music [sound recording]. - [B. m.]: CD-ROM, 2000
F. Chopin 24 Etudes [Recording]. - M.: The world of sound, 1997
J. Strauss waltzes Top [Recording]. - [B. m.]: REC-Records, 1997
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