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Робототехника 2022


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«Великие личности Великой степи»


Областной конкурс «В мире сказок и волшебства»


Шығыс Қазақстан өлкетануы

You are here: HomeSERVICESEDD service

Electronic Document Delivery Service

Служба Электронной доставки документов

Our library delivers electronic copies of documents from its funds and other libraries of the Republic of Kazakhstan and neighboring countries.
Cost of funds EDD Regional Library for free, according to the rules of copies of documents: texts of articles from periodicals available in full, and the books will be sent first table of contents, and then only 1/3 of the volume of the book. Shipping cost of copies of documents from other libraries defines library provider. Payment is made by transfer to the account of the library:
FAO's Bank CenterCredit Bank in Ust-Kamenogorsk KZ87 IIC 8560 0000 0001 6081 KZT
Order is executed after receiving the translation.
This service is carried out in accordance with the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Copyright and Related Rights" dated 10 June 1996 N6-1 (as amended on 10.07.2009) and the copyright laws of foreign countries.
List of libraries, which have signed contracts for the EDD:

Қазақстан Республикасы Ұлттық кітапханасыNational Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NBK) - Electronic catalog is formed since 1994. From the funds of the National Bank can order magazine and newspaper articles, abstracts, separate pages of monographs.






Казахстанская национальная электронная библиотекаKazakhstan National Electronic Library. Electronic State Library Fund - (Catalogues reflect the print and electronic resources from the funds of NAB RK. The catalog consists of the thematic catalogs, "Books", "library", "Oil and Gas" "Literature in foreign languages", "abstracts, thesis." Section "E-copies of books" includes three directories: "Cultural Heritage", "Kazakhstanika", "Rare editions of Kazakhstan Libraries".)



Национальный центр научно-технической информации Республики КазахстанNational Center of Scientific and Technical Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan - (arrays of documents and information on national, republican, target, branch, interbranch, regional scientific and technical programs and programs of basic studies completed R & D protected theses, deposited manuscripts of scientific papers, scientific and technical development and production experience of Kazakhstan.



Российская национальная библиотекаNational Library of Russia (NLR) - OPAC includes machine-readable bibliographic records (KB) for the following types of publications represented in the collections of NLR: publications in Russian 1708-1800, 1826-1900, 1918-1926 years., from 1980 to the present, dissertation abstracts since 1980.





Институт научной информации по общественным наукамInstitute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences (INION) - Bibliographic databases on social sciences and humanities, which are conducted since 1980. Contains annotated descriptions of books and articles from magazines and collections in 140 languages of the world.





 ГПНТБ СО РАНState Public Scientific and Technical Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPSTL) - The richest collection of scientific, industrial and technical and educational literature. It includes a whole system of branch regional bibliographic databases.





БЕН РАНLibrary for Natural Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (LNS) - Russian and foreign literature on the natural and physical sciences, as well as on theoretical problems of technical, medical and agricultural sciences. It has one of the richest in Russia collection of the scientific literature published since 1973.


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