
Консультации юриста


Робототехника 2022


Волшебник изумрудного города


«Великие личности Великой степи»


Областной конкурс «В мире сказок и волшебства»


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Хроники читающего городаBiblionight the eyes of guests and participants. Read more ...

4it rus

May 29 in the regional center held a citywide campaign "Reading Ust-Kamenogorsk." Library invites all the city of Ust Kamenogorsk, and guests read - read together, read always, to read everywhere. "Opening the book - opens the world!" - Leitmotif Shares and no matter printed or electronic book, as long as it forms us to develop our capabilities, inspired to do good deeds and bright opening.
"Without the knowledge of what is written in the books, there is a harmonious personality" - says our President NA Nazarbayev. Initiator Shares "Reading Ust-Kamenogorsk" - Department of Culture EKR. According to his chief Omar Zhaksylyk problems of literacy, education, culture of reading are particularly important in this day and reaching the level of the problems that affect the well-being of the nation.
During the campaign our library offered a great program that the interests of the fans said reading from different generations, from kids to the people of the golden age. On the square in front of the library all day was a summer reading room - the fresh air, you could choose a book, look through the literary, educational and popular magazines, see a collection of audio, video, CD discs. It also took hits "The ideas presented to mankind." This 60-volume edition of "Nobel lectures in Russian", as well as books from the library's collection of Nobel laureates and works of writers awarded this prestigious award.
"Reading of Ust-Kamenogorsk", what is it? This is related by our countrymen writers - Alexander Yegorov, Boris Shcherbakov, Serik Gabdullin, Muslim Kumarbekov, Raisova Bakhytzhan, as well as all lovers of reading. They shared about his first book, a favorite piece, about the read. Anyone recommend an interesting novelty, and read excerpts from favorite books. And lovers of solitude Library invited to view film adaptations of works of Kazakh writers.
The celebration continued at the Republic Square. Bright Long-Mob featuring cartoon characters marched down the street from the Library of Kazakhstan. AS Pushkin monument to Abai. On the way the guys have welcomed Pushkin library employees of Kazakhtelecom, which set a box Bukkrossing. Bukkrossing "Take and read" were organized in the central market, the Alley of Heroes, before the office of Kazakhtelecom, at a cinema "Jubilee" where books were left to be able to borrow anyone. According to the rules bukkrosinga, the reader must return the book to leave. Or take the book after reading, keep it in another public place (park, coffee shop, train station ...) that she found her other readers. At the same time, the monument to Abai and AS Pushkin, in the alley of heroes took literary tour. The participants test their knowledge about the work of the Kazakh and Russian classics, flip through pages of new and familiar, but in the spirit of expensive books.
The festive mood was transferred to the city motorists. Thanks to the staff of traffic police and librarians, many drivers are imbued with the spirit of the city and just read a good mood.
Take part in the campaign "Reading Ust-Kamenogorsk" can not only real, but also virtually. The site of the library reading room is open online virtual shelves and exhibitions, literary monuments, videos. And of course, online reading room is hoping to get interesting suggestions and ideas about promoting reading, comments and feedback on your favorite books virtual readers.
Long live the "Reading of Ust-Kamenogorsk"!

Photo report on the progress of Shares


May 29 in the framework of "Ust-Kamenogorsk reading" Pushkin library "released to float freely," more than 70 books. This - "Bukkrossing"  - a kind of book club. It exists since 2001 and has more than 500,000 members worldwide. Tracking the "journey" of these books will be made through our website. Read! Tell us! Happened to read! Give another!




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